The School of Science and Technology
The School of Science and Technology (SST) is a community of people committed to creating and transmitting knowledge and competencies in science, engineering and technology by “forming competent and socially responsible science and engineering professionals who are committed to the promotion of the common good of society and the advancement of the scientific and engineering profession”.
SST contributes to national development through the provision of academic programmes that are relevant to the needs of the industry. We are open to all people regardless of their nationality, race, sex, religion or ethnic group. The curricular activities of SST are part of a wider all round formation which is provided in the University.

Undergraduate Programmes
Masters Programmes
The Masters in Data Science seeks to bring knowledge of data analytics closer to business expertise by equipping participants with the ability to draw meaningful insights from wide range of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, with varied levels of sizes and complexities. Participants will acquire the requisite skills needed to identify, extract, prepare, analyze, interpret and present results, with AI-driven enhancements. In addition, participants will be able to lead the implementation of innovative data science projects in real-world environments, applying the concepts to varied sectors of interest.